Note: Do not install either hp‐openvswitch‐datapath‐dkms (see Installing the VRS Kernel Module for MPLS over GRE) or hp‐metadata‐agent (which is reserved for OpenStack deployments). For OpenStack configuration, refer to the OpenStack deployment guide.
Note: dpkg ‐i will not solve dependencies. If you are missing dependencies, install them:
8.Edit /etc/default/openvswitch to achieve the desired VRS configuration. The comments in the file are
vi /etc/default/openvswitch
9.Restart the service to pick up the changes in /etc/default/openvswitch:
# service
Stopping hp system monitor: * Killing
Stopping hp rpc server: * Killing
Stopping hp monitor: * Killing hpMon (21086)
Stopping openvswitch: *
*Removing openvswitch module
*Inserting openvswitch module
*Configuring Open vSwitch system IDs
*Configuring Open vSwitch personality
Starting hp system monitor: * Starting
Starting hp rpc server: * Starting
Starting hp monitor: * Starting hpMon
VRS-G on RHEL or Ubuntu 12.04
1.Install VRS following the instructions in either of the following:
•VRS on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Ubuntu 12.04 Cloud Packages
3.Restart the VRS service:
service openvswitch restart
Installing the VRS Kernel Module for MPLS over GRE
This section contains the following subsections:
•Installing VRS Kernel Module On RHEL
46 HP VRS and