B NS X.25 Migration: NS 3000/V to NS 3000/iX

This Appendix tells how to use the NMMGRVER utility to migrate (update) configuration files from a node running NS X.25 3000/V Link to a node that will be running NS 3000/iX release 2.0 or later. This appendix does not apply if an MPE V based node is being used as an X.25 server for NS 3000/XL based machines. Refer to the following appendixes depending on which X.25 network products you currently have:

Migrating a configuration file from a node running NS 3000/V PAD to an NS 3000/iX node that will be running NS 3000/iX release 2.0 or later, refer to Appendix C , “NS X.25 Migration: NS 3000/V PAD Access to NS 3000/iX.”

This Appendix also provides an overview of the differences between networking functionality on an MPE V and an MPE/iX system you need to consider for migration.