Introductory Screens

Begin Configuration Process

FieldsLocal node name

The local node name is the name by which the HP e3000 computer is known in the network. The format of a node name is nodename.domain.organization where the total number of characters is 50 or fewer, and each field contains 16 or fewer characters (alphanumeric, underscore, or hyphens). The first character of each field must be alphabetic.

The nodename portion of each node name must be unique within the node’s network. The nodename.domain portion of each node name must be unique within the internetwork. HP recommends that all nodes on the network be assigned the same domain and organization.

Assign meaningful node names. For example, MKTG.BND.HP and LAB.BND.HP are meaningful names for two nodes on the same network within Hewlett-Packard. One node (MKTG.BND.HP) is used by the marketing department. The other node (LAB.BND.HP) is used by the lab. The domain field is the same because the nodes belong to the same network. The organization field is the same because the nodes belong to the same internetwork.

Are you using OpenView DTC Manager?

If you answer yes to this question, NMMGR assumes you are using a PC to manage your system and takes you to the corresponding set of screens when you configure DTS. If you answer no, NMMGR assumes you are using host-based network management and takes you to a different set of DTS screens. You should already have answered this question when you configured DTS.

Do you have X.25 system- to-system or PAD connections?

If you answer yes to this question, NMMGR assumes you are configuring X.25 connections and takes you to the set of screens required to configure DTC X.25 Network Access Cards when you configure DTS. If you answer no, NMMGR assumes you have no need to configure X.25 connections and takes you to a different set of DTS screens. You should already have answered this question when you configured DTS.


Chapter 5