Installing and Using Monitors
Adding a Monitoring Request
Table | Event Severity Levels |
| |
| Event | Description | MC/ServiceGuard |
| Severity |
| Response |
| Level |
| Minor | An event that will not likely escalate | If MC/ServiceGuard is |
| Warning | to a more severe condition if let | installed and this is a |
| uncorrected. System operation will | critical component, a |
| not be interrupted and normal use of | package |
| the hardware can continue. The | NOT occur. |
| problem can be repaired at a |
| convenient time. |
| Information | An event that occurs as part of the | If MC/ServiceGuard is |
| normal operation of the hardware. No | installed and this is a |
| action is required. | critical component, a |
| package |
| NOT occur. |
42 | Chapter 2 |