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As a convenience for your users, you can add the addresses of HPJetSend-enabled printers used in your office.Users can then select from a list of HP JetSend-enabled printers rather than manually entering an IP address or DNSname.

To add a HP JetSend-enabled printer to the list:

1At the control panel, press PRINT (F3).

2Type the IP address or DNS name for the HPJetSend-enabled printer you want to add, and then press . The printer is added to the list.

In order to use DNS names instead of IP addresses, first configure the DNS Server Address and DNS Domain settings in the Network configuration menu.

3If you want to add another HP JetSend-enabled printer, press NEW (F1)and repeat step 2. The list can contain up to 64 devices.

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HP Fax Machine Sender manual