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Only the administrator can change information in the Public Lists address book.
1Press SETUP (ALT+F4), then LISTS (F3).
2Select Public E-mail Lists.
3If an administrator password is required, the HP Digital Sender 8100C Administrator’s Password dialog box appears. Type the password and press OK (F1).
4Type the name for the distribution list.
5Press ENTER.
6Press OK (F1) to add the new list.
7Type an address to add to the list and press ENTER.
8Edit the information for the address and click SAVE (F1).
9Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each address to add to the list.
1Press SETUP (ALT+F4), then LISTS (F3).
2Select Public
3If an administrator password is required, the HP Digital Sender 8100C Administrator’s Password dialog box appears. Type the password and press OK (F1).
4Type a list name or choose the distribution list name from the list.
5Press DELETE (F3).
6Press OK (F1) to confirm.