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The easiest method for assigning an IP address to the digital sender is by entering it directly at the control panel. You can also assign an IP address using a DHCP or BOOTP server. You might be more familiar with assigning IP addresses to network devices from a DHCP or BOOTP server. In this scenario, you prepare the device attached to the network, make an entry for it on the DHCP or BOOTP server, and then turn the device on. The HPJetDirect print server (network interface card) inside the HP Digital Sender8100C picks up its IP information from the DHCP or BOOTP server.

You can let the digital sender time out to a default IP address. In fact, this happens automatically if you do not manually assign an IP address at the control panel within the timeout period of 2 minutes.

The default IP address is not a valid address. You must change the address to one of your own assignment. You can use the control panel to do this at any time.


Before you start configuring th e HPDigital Sender 8100C for the first time, take a few minutes to prepare so that you can complete the steps without interruption. Use the checklist on the following page.

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HP Fax Machine Sender manual