58 ￿(!￿￿￿￿￿￿2￿,￿+￿￿￿%￿￿￿!￿￿￿￿￿￿

Control panel messages (continued







Internal error. codes

Internal problem.

See the internal error table starting on page 61.

Digital Sender halted .



Invalid credentials. Check The account name and account name and passw ord. password that have been

configured for authenticating LDAP searches are invalid.

Use the E-mailconfiguration menu at the control panel to change the account name and password.

Invalid password. Press any

The digital sender did not

key to retry.

recognize the password you



Press any key and then retype the password. The password is case-sensitive, so make sure you type the right combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.

If the problem persists see “Erasing administrator password” on pag e31.

JetDirect not responding. Please check the card or the firmware version.

The firmware version of the

Contact HP customer support.

HPJetDirect print server


(interface card) installed in


the digital sender is not


compatible with the product.


The LDAP configuration is

There is a problem with the

inconsistent. Please check.

LDAP configuration.

Using the E-mailconfiguration menu, make sure that you have correctly configured the LDAP server

Try reentering the information in the E-mailconfiguration menu.

Turn the digital sender off and then back on.

If the problem persists, contact HP customer support.

LDAP protocol error.

The LDAP search could not


complete because of a


problem with a network


connection or LDAP server.

Turn the digital sender off and then back on.

Check that the other functions of the digital sender are working.

Make sure the LDAP server is functioning properly

If the problem persists, contact HP customer support.

Page 60
Image 60
HP Fax Machine Sender manual Internal error. codes Internal problem, Digital Sender halted, Key to retry, Entered