MinFileSize = "2kB"

ExcludeFromRelease = ()

NOTE: When configuring the ExcludeFromRelease variable, filenames and filename patterns must be specified in the UTF-8 format.

Special pattern-matching characters

The filename pattern-matching mechanism built into the FSE conforms to that used in command shells on UNIX systems, with a few differences. Special characters are permitted to simplify the definition of sets of files.

The following table lists the special characters, meanings, and usage examples.

Table 3 Special pattern-matching characters used with ExcludeFromRelease

Special character









any character

matches any single character,




including the dot (.)











matches zero or more




characters, including dots








"* local"





[ ]


matches a single character




from the set of characters




enclosed within the brackets








[ — ]

range set

matches a single character




from the range of characters;




range sets can be combined






with ordinary sets







quote character

suppresses the special



(Linux platform)

meaning of the character that













quote character

suppresses the special


(grave accent)

(Windows platform)

meaning of the character that













On case-insensitive file systems, like NTFS on Windows, if a character is covered by a filename pattern, then this character’s upper- or lower-case counterpart is also covered.

All the filenames and filename patterns that contain space characters or commas, and all filename patterns that use sets ([ ]) or range sets ([ - ]) must be enclosed within double quotes (" ").

A right bracket (]) can only be used inside sets and range sets if it is quoted (\]).

A hyphen () can only be used inside sets and range sets if it is quoted (\—), or if it is the first character specified inside the set or range set ([—...), or if it is specified as a single-character range (---).

Quote characters can only be matched if they are quoted. Linux specific

On Linux platform, to match a backslash (\), use two backlashes (\\). Windows specific

On Windows platform, to match a grave accent (`), use two grave accents (``).

HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide 133