event log

A file that records relevant information on events happening in the FSE processes during the

(FSE event log)

operation of the FSE implementation. FSE event log, named fse.log, is located in the


directory /var/opt/fse/log (on Linux platform) or in the directory


%InstallPath%\var\log (on Windows platform).

explicit release

Unconditional release, started for a file or set of files on the release candidate list, specified by


an FSE user. It is triggered with the fsefile --releasecommand and occurs regardless of


the parameters in the release policy.

external client

An external FSE client can be hosted on any of the supported platforms. External FSE clients are

(FSE external client)

connected to the FSE server through a LAN and host HSM file systems. The client runs only the


processes that provide functionality for managing these HSM file systems and communication


to the major services running on the FSE server. The daemons (services) running on the client


are: File System Event Manager, Hierarchical Storage Manager, and Service, with additional


FSE Windows Service on Windows systems. See also client (FSE client)”.

Fast Recovery

File System Catalog related data, collected during migrations and used for eventual recovery of

Information (FRI)

the FSE implementation. Medium volumes that are not yet full have Fast Recovery Information


stored on the disk in the directory /var/opt/fse/fri (on Linux platform) or in the directory


%InstallPath%\var\fri (on Windows platform). Once medium data volumes are full


(filled up with migrated files), Fast Recovery Information is written to the part of the medium


volume that was reserved in advance for this kind of data. Typically, a medium is partitioned to


have a system volume, which stores redundant copies of Fast Recovery Information from all data


volumes on the medium.

file generation

A version in the history of a particular file on an HSM file system. Older (non-latest) file


generations are only stored offline, as they have already been migrated to FSE media, whereas


latest file generations can be present either online or offline, depending on the time of their last


access and the corresponding FSE partition policies.

file split

In some situations, the amount of available space on the currently open FSE medium volume is

(FSE file split)

smaller than the amount of data in the currently migrated file. To use the remaining space on


the open volume, FSE splits the migrated file into two or more parts, and stores each part on a


separate volume. Such migrated file parts are called FSE file splits.

File System Catalog

A database, which consists of the Data Location Catalog (DLC) and Name Space Catalog


(NSC). The Data Location Catalog (DLC) contains information about location of files on the FSE


media (full history). The Name Space Catalog (NSC) contains metadata of files on an HSM file


system (the last generation metadata). Each FSE partition has its own File System Catalog. See


also Data Location Catalog (DLC)and Name Space Catalog (NSC)”.

File System Catalog

A file which contains transaction information for the File System Catalog. It is designed to


increase the catalog robustness. FSC journals contain information about already applied and


pending catalog transactions. File System Catalog journals are located in the directory


/var/opt/fse/part/PartitionName/fsc/journal (on Linux platform) or in the


directory %InstallPath%\var\part\PartitionName\fsc\journal (on Windows



File System Catalog

See recovery (FSE recovery)”.



File System Catalog

See recovery (FSE recovery)”, recovery job”.

recovery job


file system event

A creation or modification of a file on an HSM file system, detected and handled by the FSE


software. The following operations are identified as relevant file-system events for FSE: create,


rename, move, delete, read of contents, change of contents (write, truncate) and change of file


attributes (ownership, permissions, and so on).