Determining total offline storage capacity

You can determine the total amount of offline storage capacity in an FSE implementation using Licence Checker. Licence Checker is a command-line tool that eases reporting of the following status information pertaining to a particular FSE implementation:

Number of FSE clients configured to communicate with the FSE server.

Names and addresses of each FSE client.

Total offline storage capacity managed by the FSE server.

Note that both tape and disk media are included in the storage capacity calculation.

For each configured FSE client (internal or external), Licence Checker reports the following values for the FSE client system:

Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).

Host name.

IP addresses.

Note that a particular FSE client may have several IP addresses, for example, when a private network is used for communication in the FSE implementation that is otherwise connected to a LAN.

Licence Checker is available on consolidated FSE systems and FSE servers, and can be run from the command line as follows:

Linux specific

#cd /opt/fse/sbin/tools


Windows specific

C:\>cd %InstallPath%\bin


The generated report conforms to the following example:

License check output generated on: Sun May 30 19:20:27 2004

Active HSM client(s): 3
, fse_client_04

,, fse_client_09

,, fse_client_12


Total storage capacity maintained by the HSM server: 12.00 TiB

You can store the report into a file for later use using standard output redirection technique:

checklic >checklic-output.txt

218 Monitoring and maintaining FSE