Type = WORM

#Regular - regular read/write file system

#WORM - Write-Once-Read-Many file system

#uncomment and configure if Type = WORM : WORMTimeout = 60s



#Specify which media pool(s) will be used for storing data to.

#NOTE: The number of pools specified defines the number of copies to

#be done.




= ("MyWORMPool1", "MyWORMPool2")

The differences between configuration files for WORM FSE partitions located on Linux and Windows host are the same as with regular FSE partitions.

Phase 5: preparing FSE media

Once all other FSE resources except FSE media are configured, follow the procedures below to prepare FSE media. For specifics on preparing disk media, see Disk media specifics” on page 101.

NOTE: A particular FSE medium is related to a single FSE media pool, single FSE partition, and single FSE library.

Using the FSE command-line interface, you prepare FSE media as follows:

1.Create an entry for the FSE medium and add it to an already configured media pool: fsemedium --add Barcode --pool PoolName

2.Repeat the step 1 for each additional FSE medium that you want to add.

3.Physically place the added FSE media into free library slots, and then trigger a physical inventory update (barcode rescan):

fselibrary --update-inventory LibraryName --rescan

4.Format the first medium using the command below. If the medium is already properly formatted (partitioned), skip this step and proceed with initialization.

fsemedium --format Barcode

CAUTION: Formatting erases all data on the medium.

In case the medium has already been formatted and used by the FSE implementation, you need to use the additional --forceoption:

fsemedium --format Barcode --force

HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide 79