
While running the fse --mount command to mount an HSM file system, the command fails and


reports an error.


(Windows system specific)


There are two possible causes for this problem:


Cause 1: NTFS has already attached to the disk volume that stores the HSM file system, and


the HSM file system filter cannot gain control over it. This is the most probable cause for the


described problem.


Cause 2: The mount point directory for the HSM file system is not empty. This is a less


probable cause.

Workaround According to the determined cause, proceed as follows:

Cause 1: Run the following command to detach NTFS and then retry mounting the HSM file system:

C:\>fse --dismount-ntfs VolumeName

Cause 2: Delete the directory contents and try to mount the file system again.


rmdir also deletes mount points.



(Windows system specific)



If an HSM file system is mounted to a directory, for example:




fse --mount I:\fse\fsefs_01 \\?\Volume{...



and then rmdir is invoked, for example:




rmdir /S /Q I:\fse\fsefs_01



it deletes all files and directories on the HSM file system, together with its mount point.


You need to recreate the mount point and mount the HSM file system to it:



Unmount the HSM file system:




fse --umount I:\fse\fsefs_01 \\?\Volume{...}\



Recreate its mount point:




mkdir I:\fse\fsefs_01




Mount the HSM file system again:


fse --mount I:\fse\fsefs_01 \\?\Volume{...}\

256 Troubleshooting