IGMP filter definition

Command: /cfg/l3/igmp/igmpflt/filter <1-16>

[IGMP Filter 1 Definition Menu]

range - Set IP Multicast address range action - Set filter action

ena - Enable filter dis - Disable filter del - Delete filter

cur - Display current IGMP filter configuration

The following table describes the IGMP Filter Definition Menu options.

Table 146 IGMP Filter Definition Menu





range <IP multicast address> <IP

Configures the range of IP multicast addresses for this filter.

multicast address>

Enter the first IP multicast address of the ranger, followed by


the second IP multicast address of the range.



action allowdeny

Allows or denies multicast traffic for the IP multicast


addresses specified.




Enables this IGMP filter.




Disables this IGMP filter.




Deletes this filter’s parameter definitions.




Displays the current IGMP filter.



IGMP filtering port configuration

Command: /cfg/l3/igmp/igmpflt/port <port number>

[IGMP Port 17 Menu]

filt - Enable/disable IGMP Filtering on port add - Add IGMP filter to port

rem - Remove IGMP filter from port

cur - Display current IGMP Filtering Port configuration

The following table describes the IGMP Port Filtering Configuration Menu options.

Table 147 IGMP Filtering Port Menu





filt enabledisable

Enables or disables IGMP Filtering on this port.



add <1-16>

Adds an IGMP filter to this port.



rem <1-16>

Removes an IGMP filter from this port.




Displays the current IGMP filter parameters for this port.



Configuration Menu 139