NTP server configuration

Command: /cfg/sys/ntp[NTP Server Menu]


- Set primary NTP server address


- Set secondary NTP server address
intrval- Set NTP server resync interval
tzone- Set NTP timezone offset from GMT
dlight- Enable/Disable daylight savings time


- Turn NTP service ON


- Turn NTP service OFF


- Display current NTP configuration

This menu enables you to synchronize the switch clock to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. By default, this option is disabled.

The following table describes the NTP Server Configuration Menu options.Table 83 NTP Server Configuration Menu options





prisrv <IP address>

Configures the IP addresses of the primary NTP server to which you want to


synchronize the switch clock.



secsrv <IP address>

Configures the IP addresses of the secondary NTP server to which you want to


synchronize the switch clock.



intrval <1-44640>

Specifies the interval, that is, how often, in minutes (1-44640), to resynchronize the


switch clock with the NTP server. The default is 1440 seconds.



tzone <hh:mm>Configures the NTP time zone offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), in hours


and minutes. The offset format is HH:MM



dlight disableenableDisables or enables daylight saving time in the system clock. When enabled, the


switch will add an extra hour to the system clock so that it is consistent with the local


clock. By default, this option is disabled.




Enables the NTP synchronization service.




Disables the NTP synchronization service. This is the default.




Displays the current NTP service settings.



System SNMP configuration

Command: /cfg/sys/ssnmp





[SNMP Menu]




- SNMPv3 Menu


name- Set SNMP "sysName"


locn- Set SNMP "sysLocation"


cont- Set SNMP "sysContact"


rcomm- Set SNMP read community string


wcomm- Set SNMP write community string



- Set timeout for the SNMP state machine


auth- Enable/disable SNMP "sysAuthenTrap"


linkt- Enable/disable SNMP link up/down trap



- Enable/disable SNMP Uplink Failure Detection trap



- Display current SNMP configuration




The switch software supports SNMP-based network management. In SNMP model of network management, a management station (client/manager) accesses a set of variables known as MIBs (Management Information Base) provided by the managed device (agent). If you are running an SNMP network management station on your network, you can manage the switch using the following standard SNMP MIBs:

MIB II (RFC 1213)Ethernet MIB (RFC 1643)Bridge MIB (RFC 1493)

An SNMP agent is a software process on the managed device that listens on UDP port 161 for SNMP messages. Each SNMP message sent to the agent contains a list of management objects to retrieve or to modify.

Configuration Menu 96