





** (117) NSINIT: DSAM

The Shareable Extended

Build a larger Shareable

SHEMA too small.

Memory Access (SHEMA)

Extended Memory Access

Terminating. **

partition size of Distributed

(SHEMA) partition or examine


System Available Memory

your table structure and reduce


(DSAM) is not large enough to

amount of Distributed System


accommodate the amount of

Available Memory (DSAM).


DSAM required for this run of



NSINIT. This caused NSINIT to



deallocate DSAM and then








** (118) NSINIT: PALC

The Distributed System

Make sure the DSAM SHEMA

returned SHEMA Error to

Available Memory (DSAM)

load file is correct and rerun

MMInit. Terminating. **

allocation routine Palc returned



an error to MMINIT when



attempting to set up the



Shareable Extended Memory



Access (SHEMA) partition.





** (119) NSINIT: Error

NSINIT could not access DSAM.

Refer to accompanying error

on EnterCriticalCall.

A Memory Manager error is

messages for more information

Error is: errornum. **

returned in errornum.

and rerun NSINIT. If the error



persists, reboot your system



and try again. If rebooting does



not solve the problem, this error



requires HP notification.




** (120) NSINIT must be

NSINIT is not loaded as a

Reload NSINIT using the load


system utility.

file provided.

Initialize or Shut Down



NS. **






** (121) NSINIT: State

An error was encountered when

Rerun NSINIT to make sure that

word access error.

NSINIT attempted to retrieve the

the shut down was successful.

Attempting partial

segment number from the


cleanup. **

NSARPA state word in



Distributed System Available



Memory (DSAM) during shut



down. NSINIT attempted to



finish clean up; some resources



may remain allocated, however.





** (122) NSINIT: NS is

An attempt was made to shut

This is an informational

not initialized. Cannot


message. No action is required.

shut down. **

was not initialized.





** (123) NSINIT: NS

An attempt was made to start up

This is an informational

already up. Cannot start


message. No action is required.

up NS in this node. **

already initialized.





** (124) NSINIT:

The NSARPA state word

Shut down NSARPA before

Partially initialized.

indicated that NSARPA is only

attempting another start up.

Cannot start up NS in

partially initialized.


this node. **






** (125) NSINIT: Output

The input and output files

Change the input or output file

file is the same as the

specified are the same file.


Input file. **

NSINIT requires that the input



file and output file be different








434 Program Specific Error Messages