






Illegal option format. One of the

Check the option format in the


following errors has occurred:

RPMCreate call.


(1) The options code in the



RPMCreate call is not in the



correct order. For example, a



Group 3 option code has been



specified before a Group 2



option code. (2) The format of



one of the options in the



RPMCreate call is incorrect.






Invalid login or password. The

Check the login and


login name or password

password parameters in


specified by the parent program



is not valid or was not specified.



A session could not be created



for the child node.






Child program not found on

Check the child program name


child node. The name of the

and length parameters in


child program specified in the

RPMCreate. Make sure that an


RPMCreate call is not found on

executable program file exists at


the child node, so the child

the child's node.


program cannot be scheduled.



One of the following problems



has occurred: (1) The child



program cannot be found at the



child's node. Either the name is



incorrect, an RTE type 6 file



(executable program file) does



not exist, or the file could not be



found in the search path. (2)



The child program name



specified in the FmpRun option



(23110) does not match the



name specified in progname of



the RPMCreate call. (3) The



length of the child program



name is incorrect in namelen of



the RPMCreate call.






Invalid program descriptor. The

Make sure that the program


pd parameter was not specified

descriptor is the one returned by


correctly in either a

the RPMCreate call. Also make


RPMControl or RPMKill call.

sure that the node name



specified is the same as the one



in the RPMCreate call.




Numeric Error Codes 227