DHP-PROBE(Probe protocol handler)

DHP-PXP(HP Packet Exchange Protocol handler)

DHP-ROUTER(Router/1000 protocol handler)

DHP-RPM(Remote Process Management)

DHP-TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)

DHP-TN(TELNET virtual terminal service)

DICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol; used for PING)

DIEEE-802(IEEE 802.3 protocol handler)

DINPRO (Inbound message handler)

DOUTPRO (Outbound message handler)

DPROSW (NSARPA module that delivers event messages between the protocol and event handlers in INPRO and OUTPRO)

DRUNTIME (These are Pascaldetected runtime errors)

DSIGMOD (Signal module; used by NetIPC and contains some NetIPC routines)

DSREG (Socket Registry modules)

DTIMER (Timer monitor subsystem)



The Entity RunTime is printed in the Entity field of the log record header when the NSARPA software encounters a Pascaldetected runtime error. These errors require HP notification.

64 Logging Codes and Messages