Internal Errors

Some of the error messages listed in this manual are classified as •internal" errors. These errors usually require HP notification. If you receive an error of this type, take the appropriate action according to the terms of your HP support contract.

Submitting a Service Request

When submitting a Service Request to HP, you should include the following information, where applicable, to help HP determine the cause of the error:

DA characterization of the problem. Describe the events leading up to and including the problem. Attempt to describe the source of the problem. Describe the symptoms of the problem. Your characterization should include any RTE commands, NSARPA/1000 subsystem commands, and application program source code that can reproduce the problem.

DObtain the version, update, and fix information for all software. This allows HP to determine if the problem is already known, and if the correct software is installed at your site.

DObtain screen copies of all error codes and messages that appear at the user terminal and the system console.

DPrepare a listing of the system generation answer file, the NSINIT answer file, the NRINIT answer file, the boot and welcome files, and any additional link initialization files (DSN/X.25/1000, LAN, etc.).

DCreate copies of any trace or log files that were active when the problem occurred for your HP representative to further analyze.

DObtain the NSINF LU information for the LU being used.

DIf you have a network map, including it will help HP determine if the problem is related to your network configuration.

DDocument your interim, or •workaround" solution. The cause of the problem can sometimes be found by comparing the circumstances in which it occurs with the circumstances in which it does not occur.

Introduction 13