FMTRC Error Messages

The following error messages are printed to the current log file or device by the trace formatting utility FMTRC. Errors that occur because a message could not be formatted are also printed in the formatted trace file above the unformatted message.

If you receive an FMTRC error that requires HP notification, you should create copies of the formatted trace file, and the raw trace file from which it was produced, for your HP representative to analyze.

FMTRC Error Messages







(FMTRCERR 1) Error

An error has been detected in

This error requires HP

internal to FMTRC :

the NSARPA software. An



errorno of 1 indicates that a



bad stream number has been



detected; an errorno of 2



indicates that a bad



service/monitor type has been








(FMTRCERR 2) Error

Command file input (input)

This error requires HP

internal to FMTRC: input

was unexpected.





(FMTRCERR 3) FMP error

The format file that you specified

Refer to the accompanying FMP

errorcode opening format

(filename) could not be

error code (errorcode) for

file : filename


more information.




(FMTRCERR 4) VMA error

The trace file that you specified

Refer to the accompanying VMA

errorcode opening trace

(filename) could not be

error code (errorcode) for

file : filename


more information.




(FMTRCERR 5) Trace file

FMTRC could not format the

Make sure you have compatible

contents are not

contents of the trace file

versions of FMTRC and NSTRC.

decipherable by FMTRC :

(filename) that you specified.

If the programs are compatible,


This error is returned: (1) if you

rerun NSTRC to produce a new


are using incompatible versions

trace file and try again.


of FMTRC and NSTRC, or (2) if



your trace file is corrupt.





(FMTRCERR 6) FMP error

An error occurred when writing

Refer to the accompanying FMP

errorcode writing to

to the format file (filename).

error code (errorcode) for

format file : filename


more information.




(FMTRCERR 7) Address

The address that you specified

If you are running FMTRC

specified is not valid :

(address) is not correct. This

interactively, correct the address


may be due to a typographical

and try again. If you are using a



command file, edit the file and



rerun FMTRC.




(FMTRCERR 8) Protocol

The protocol (protocol) that

If you are running FMTRC

specified is not valid :

you specified is not correct.

interactively, correct the protocol


This may be due to a

and try again. If you are using a


typographical error.

command file, edit the file and



rerun FMTRC.




Tracing Error Messages 53