
The location field is a oneword integer that indicates the section (procedure, module, or process) of the Entity's software that logged the event. Some Entities use the location code when the event class indicates a warning (Class 3), error (Class 4), disaster (Class 5), or resource limit condition (Class 6). The Entities that use the location code in this way are:







xx and yy Fields

The xx and yy fields are for HP internal use only. However, some of the error messages' meanings do explain the values of these fields when appropriate.

LAN driver error codes are printed to the yy field. These errors are explained in the HP 12076A LAN/1000 Link Node Manager's Manual.

Log Mask

The log mask is the octal value of EVMON's log mask at the time the log record was sent.

Process Name

The process name is the fivecharacter name stored in the ID segment of the process that sent the log message, such as INPRO or OUTPRO, the inbound and outbound message handlers.


The session field is the session ID (the scheduling terminal's LU) of the session that scheduled the process in the previous field. For NSARPA subsystem processes (INPRO, OUTPR, TIMER, and the NSARPA monitors), this is the system session ID. For NetIPC processes, this is the user's session ID.

Logging Codes and Messages 65