HPRPM Log Message Codes (1800018999)

The following codes are printed to the log file when the Entity is HPRPM for the Remote Process Management (RPM) service. There are two types of RPM log message codes0standard RPM and RTEA specific codes. Many errors are invalid parameter errors. Refer to the •Remote Process Management" section of the NSARPA/1000 User/Programmer Reference Manual to check the parameters.

Some of the log message codes are followed by error codes returned by NetIPC. Refer to the NetIPC error codes for more information. Fields that are indicated by xx contain values that are for HP use only. When notifying HP, the values contained in these fields should be reported to HP.

HPRPM Log Message Codes (1800018999)







18001 xx xx xx

Network is down. NSARPA is

Bring up NSARPA with NSINIT.


either down, going down, or not



completely up.





18002 xx xx xx

Illegal name length. The length

Correct the length parameter in


in one of the following

the RPM call (RPMCreate,


parameters is either too short or

RPMControl, or RPMKill).


too long:



nodelen must be between 0



and 50 bytes (characters).



namelen must be between 1



and 64 bytes (characters) in



RTE. loginlen must be



between 0 and 16 bytes



(characters) in RTE.



passwdlen must be between 0



and 14 bytes (characters) in








18003 xx xx xx

Illegal flags specified in either

Correct the flags parameter in


RPMCreate or RPMControl.

the RPMCreate or RPMControl


For RPMCreate, valid flag bits



are bits 1, 30, and 31. For



RPMControl, flags must be



set to zero.





18004 xx xx xx

Illegal option or request code.

Correct the option code in


An illegal option code was

RPMCreate or the request code


specified in an RPMCreate call,

in RPMControl.


or an illegal request code was



specified in an RPMControl








632 Logging Codes and Messages