C/C++ (Windows 95)
U16 W_9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Status (U16 cardNo, U16 *status, U16 *blockNo)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Status (ByVal cardNo As Integer, status As Integer, blockNo As Integer) As Integer
@ Argument
cardNo: the card number of
status: the status of the INT data transfer. The valid status code are the following:
blockNo: the A/D conversion block number performed currently
@Return Code ERR_NoError
@ Description
After calling _9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Start, the AD conversion and transfer won’t stop until the N blocks of conversion have been completed. After the N blocks of AD data are acquired, calling this function can restart the FIFO half full interrupt transfer without
@ Syntax
C/C++ (DOS)
U16 _9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Restart (U16 cardNo)
C/C++ (Windows 95)
U16 W_9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Restart (U16 cardNo)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Restart (ByVal cardNo As Integer) As Integer
@ Argument
cardNo: the card number of
@Return Code
C/C++ Library ∙63