Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_9111_Reset_FIFO (ByVal cardNo As Integer) As Integer
@ Argument
cardNo: The card number of
@Return Code
@ Description
This function is used to trigger the A/D conversion by software. When the function is called, a trigger pulse will be generated and the converted data will be stored from address Base +0.
@ Syntax
C/C++ (DOS)
U16 _9111_AD_Soft_Trigger (U16 cardNo)
C/C++ (Windows 95)
U16 W_9111_AD_Soft_Trigger (U16 cardNo)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_9111_AD_Soft_Trigger (ByVal cardNo As Integer) As Integer
@ Argument
cardNo: The card number of
@Return Code
@ Description
This function is used to write
@ Syntax
C/C++ (DOS)
U16 _9111_Set_8254 (U16 cardNo, U16 ChannelNo, U8 count)
C/C++ (Windows 95)
U16 W_9111_Set_8254 (U16 cardNo, U16 ChannelNo, U8 count)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_9111_Set_8254 (ByVal cardNo As Integer, ByVal ChannelNo As Integer, ByVal count As Byte) As Integer
@ Argument |
cardNo: | The card number of |
Tmr_ch: | Port of 8254 Timer, the value is within 0 to 3. |
C/C++ Library ∙51