•The EPO system is set to Armed (White) or Bypass (Green).
Site chilled water
1.Open the POD supply chilled water isolation valve.
2.If necessary, vent the air from the chilled water return header.
3.Open the POD return chilled water isolation valve.
4.Verify audible flow noises are present.
IMPORTANT: To allow the POD ambient temperature to be raised in a controlled manner, open the chilled water supply and return isolation valves to enable 454.25 lpm (120 gpm*) at a temperature of 13ºC to 24ºC (55ºF to 75ºF) to flow through the heat exchangers and allow the circulation fans to bring the ambient temperature to >10ºC (50ºF).
•Portable heaters can be used to disperse supplemental heat uniformly throughout the POD.
•Electric portable heaters must be powered from an outside source.
*Measurement is in US gallons per minute.
POD heating procedure
1.On the ECS touchscreen, verify that all system components are operational (green) and no alarm conditions exist.
2.On the ECS touchscreen, verify that the POD chilled water flow rate is established on the flow rate indicator.
3.Take manual control of the fans to the preferred speed to circulate the warm air in the POD.
4.Determine the hot aisle temperature:
o If the hot aisle temperature is at or above
o If the hot aisle temperature is not at or above
5.Record the cold aisle temperature that displays on the ECS. The recorded temperature is the starting temperature of the servers.
6.When the cold aisle temperature reaches a minimum of 10ºC (50ºF), maintain the temperature for at least 60 minutes before proceeding.
CAUTION: Do not continue the start up procedures unless the fans are in AUTO mode.
7.Set all fans to AUTO mode.
POD operation
1.In the hot aisle, close the power drop box breakers for each rack and ensure that the IT equipment is operating.
2.In the cold aisle, monitor the flow control position, chilled water flow, and POD temperatures.
Power up procedure 72