Computer major components | 25 |
Cables | 27 |
Misc parts | 28 |
Drives | 30 |
Misc boards | 30 |
Sequential part number listing | 31 |
Small Form Factor (SFF) chassis spare parts | 35 |
Computer major components | 35 |
Cables | 37 |
Misc parts | 38 |
Drives | 40 |
Misc boards | 40 |
Sequential part number listing | 41 |
5 Routine Care, SATA Drive Guidelines, and Disassembly Preparation | 45 |
Electrostatic Discharge Information | 45 |
Generating Static | 45 |
Preventing Electrostatic Damage to Equipment | 46 |
Personal Grounding Methods and Equipment | 46 |
Grounding the Work Area | 47 |
Recommended Materials and Equipment | 47 |
Operating Guidelines | 48 |
Routine Care | 48 |
General Cleaning Safety Precautions | 48 |
Cleaning the Computer Case | 48 |
Cleaning the Keyboard | 49 |
Cleaning the Monitor | 49 |
Cleaning the Mouse | 50 |
Service Considerations | 50 |
Power Supply Fan | 50 |
Tools and Software Requirements | 50 |
Screws | 50 |
Cables and Connectors | 51 |
Hard Drives | 51 |
Lithium Coin Cell Battery | 51 |
SATA Hard Drives | 52 |
SATA Hard Drive Cables | 52 |
SATA Data Cable | 52 |
SMART ATA Drives | 52 |
Cable Management | 52 |