VAAI Plugin Verification
NOTE: VAAI Plugin 2.2.0 must be installed if an ESXi 5.x server is connected to two or more arrays that are running a mix of HP 3PAR OS 2.3.x and 3.1.x. For LUNs from HP 3PAR OS 3.1.x, the default VMware T10 plugin will be effective, and for storage LUNs from HP 3PAR OS 2.3.x, HP 3PAR VAAI Plugin 2.2.0 will be effective.
To verify that VAAI 2.2.0 is installed on ESXi 5.x and enabled for HP 3PARdata vendor, use the following commands (only contents that are applicable to vendor HP 3PARdata are shown in the output):
•To show that the plugin has been installed:
#esxcli storage core plugin list
Plugin name | Plugin class |
3PAR_vaaip_InServ | VAAI |
The vSphere shows that hardware acceleration is supported on the HP 3PAR devices.
•To show the version of the plugin:
To show that the plugin is active in the claimrule, which runs for each of the devices discovered:
•To show that the VAAI is enabled for the HP 3PAR data device:
#esxcfg-scsidevs -l naa.50002ac0002200d7
Device Type:
Size: 51200 MB
Display Name: 3PARdata Fibre Channel Disk (naa.50002ac0002200d7)
Multipath Plugin: NMP
Console Device: /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.50002ac0002200d7
Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.50002ac0002200d7
Vendor: 3PARdata Model: VVRevis: 0000
SCSI Level: 5 Is Pseudo: false Status: on
Is RDM Capable: true Is Removable: false
Is Local: false Is SSD: false Other Names: