Phone Support in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

HP Customer Support phone numbers and policies may change. Visit the following website to check the details and conditions of phone support in your country/region:

Algeria +213 61 56 45 43

Austria +43 1 86332 1000 0810-001000 (in-country)

Bahrain 800 171 (in-country toll-free)

Belgium 070 300 005 (Dutch) 070 300 004 (French)

Czech Republic +420 261307310 Denmark +45 70 202 845 Egypt +20 2 532 5222

Finland +358 (0)203 66 767

France +33 (0)892 69 60 22 (Euro 0.34/minute) Germany +49 (0)180 5652 180 (Euro 0.12/minute)

Greece +30 210 6073603 (international number)

801 11 22 55 47 (in-country)

8009 2649 (toll-free from Cyprus to Athens) Hungary +36 1 382 1111

Ireland 1890 923 902 Israel +972 (0) 9 830 4848 Italy 848 800 871

Chapter 7: Troubleshooting and Support