3.8Software updating

Software updates, along with a new User’s Guide, are shipped on a CD-ROM. The software must be transferred to the USB flash drive in the RM500SL in order to be used. This transfer requires a PC with a CD-ROM drive and a USB port. To update the RM500SL software:

1)Refer to 3.7: Program memory removal and replacement and remove the USB flash drive from the RM500SL.

2)Insert the software update CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on your PC.

3)Double-click on My Computer, then double-click on the CD-ROM drive.

4)Double-click on rm500sl_update.exe and follow instructions to complete the update.

5)Remove the USB memory stick from the PC.

6)Refer to 3.7: Program memory removal and replacement and install the USB flash drive in the RM500SL.

See 1.3: Electronic user’s guide for help in accessing the new User’s Guide.

FastFacts 3.8: Software updating

4General Setup

4.1Section overview

This section covers the following topics: 4.2: Date and time setup

4.3: Display settings

4.4: Saving test setup

FastFacts 4.1: General setup

4.2Date and time setup

To set the date and time that appears on printouts and calibration screens:

1)Press <Setup>, then highlight and <PICK> [Date & Time] on the Setup poster.

2)To change the date, highlight and <PICK> the month window to display a drop- down list of months.

3)Highlight and <PICK> the desired month on the list.

4)Repeat the previous step to change the date, year and time in the appropriate windows.

5)When the new date and time information has been set, press <Continue> to exit.

FastFacts 4.2: Date and time setup


RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8

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