Using SoftBench Class Graph/Editor

Sample Use Models

Sample Use Models

Using SoftBench Class Graph/Editor is a simple matter of applying the basic operations as needed in your specific C++ programming situation. Here are some examples of common scenarios.

Creating a New Program

SoftBench Class Graph/Editor is an excellent tool to help you "rough out" the structure of your program. You can create classes to "sketch out" the class hierarchy to implement your program, and return to fill in implementation details when you are ready. You can move between SoftBench Class Graph/Editor and the SoftBench editor of your choice to fill in other (non-class) code as you go along.

In order to use this:

1.Create your project.

2.Define your source files, include files, and target files.

3.Link your source files to your target files and define your build model.

4.Create your C++ source file with the include statement.

5.Use SoftBench Class Graph/Editor to create your classes and save them into your include file.

6.Use Builder to keep your Static database synchronized as you work.

Alternatively, if you started SoftBench Static Analyzer in standalone mode, you can update the Static database immediately.

Modifying an Existing Program

You can use SoftBench Class Graph/Editor to add classes or class members to an existing program, or to change or remove existing classes or class members. You can also use SoftBench Class Graph/Editor to restructure the class hierarchy of a program. For example, you could add new functionality to an existing class by adding a new base class.

Working with Class Templates

You cannot use SoftBench Class Graph/Editor to create a class template

Chapter 5