Using SoftBench Debugger

If Something Goes Wrong

Table 7-2





A token must be

An operation from the "Static" menu

provided in the `()'

was chosen without providing an

area for the type

argument in the "()" input box.





.__vptr cannot be

The Follow and Follow Recursively


operations in the Data Graph Window


cannot follow the special variable


.__vptr used by the C front CC


compiler. This is an internal variable


and cannot be examined.



.__vfp cannot be

The Follow and Follow Recursively


operations in the Data Graph Window


cannot follow the special variable


.__vfp used by the aCC C++ compiler.


This is an internal C++ variable and


cannot be examined.



variable cannot be

The Follow operations in the Data

followed. It is not a

Graph Window cannot expand pointers

pointer, or it is

to strings or functions.

a pointer to a string or


a function.




Can't perform operation

You requested a "Show: Data Graph

while one is in

Indirect()" or "Show: Data Graph()"


while another such operation was


pending. Wait for the first operation to


complete and try again.



Chapter 7