Customizing SoftBench CM Configuration

Modifying the Configuration Files

The cm.mapping file initially contains the following entry for the /TestArchive directory:

#TestArchive entry /TestArchive /var/tmp

In this entry, /TestArchive is the logical archive path by which the SoftBench CM client and server communicate, and /var/tmp is the physical path where the example files are stored on the SoftBench CM server.

Every file managed by SoftBench CM should have exactly one logical path name. You should not map multiple, logical archive path names to the same physical file or directory. When creating or updating the cm.mapping file, create the physical directories and set their ownership to softcm. Otherwise, the SoftBench CM server may not be able to access these directories. For example, if you add the following entry to the cm.mapping file:

#logical path physical path

/project_95 /data/project_srcs

you would also need to do the following from the command line:

mkdir /data/project_srcs chown softcm /data/project_srcs chgrp 10000 /data/project_srcs chmod 700 /data/project_srcs

Change the group id number for the "chgrp" entry above if you used a GroupID number other than "10000" for the softcm entry in the /etc/passwd file.

You can edit the cm.mapping file while the SoftBench CM server is running. The server notices the changes and updates its internal data structures automatically.

Defining User Access to the Server

The cm.permissions file determines users' access rights to the SoftBench CM archive files. When you make changes to this file, they take effect within 30 seconds of saving the file.

The cm.permission file consists of a series of entries. Each entry contains three types of fields terminated by a semicolon, as follows:

f1 f2 f3 ... [ f2 f3 ... ] ... ;


Appendix B