Using SoftBench with SQL

Configuring SoftBench with SQL

update process varies based on how you build your project. For project build:

1.If preprocessor flags change, you need to manually edit the transform file for the preprocessor. See SoftBench Online Help for details.

2.Start SoftBench.

3.From the menu bar, choose "Builder: Manage Packages…".

4.From the drop-down list, select the desired SQL package.

5.Expand the sections of the dialog box to check the current package definition. Make any necessary changes for use with the new RDBMS version. The most likely changes involve libraries. If you changed preprocessor flags, you may need to change transform flags as well.

6.When you complete your changes, select Save if the package is a "User" package and you want to maintain the same package name. Select Save As… if the package is a "System" package or you want a different package name.

7.Select Close to close the dialog box.

8.If you changed the name of the SQL package, choose "Builder:

Manage Build Configurations…" to change the build configurations that use the SQL package. Select each relevant build configuration, switch to the new package, and save the changes.

To continue using SoftBench version C.05.xx or earlier Makefiles with external build, you need to edit a macros file in /opt/softbench/config/buildt/include. You can determine the RDBMS version for which the macros file is currently configured by examining the comment line in the file.

You must have root privilege to edit the macros file. Select the file to edit based on your specific RDBMS:

Choose c.informix.macros for Informix applications.

Choose for Oracle applications.

For other external builds, manually edit your Makefiles or build scripts.


Chapter 13