Using SoftBench Debugger

Examining and Changing Data in Your Program

Calling Functions

You can call a procedure by putting the procedure call expression in the "()" input box and selecting Print ( ).

For example, printing:

myproc(1, 2, "string")

calls the function "myproc( )". Any side-effects of the function occur normally.

Viewing the Call Stack

When enabled, the "Stack View" window presents you with a listing of the current execution call stack. (See Figure 7-5.) The call stack and the source code associated with each entry may be browsed by selecting a stack entry or using the and buttons.

To view the call stack:

1.Choose "Show: Stack…".

2.Select an entry in "Current Stack," or use the buttons on the left side of the dialog box to move to the top of the stack, up a level, down a level, or to the bottom of the stack. The associated source code appears in the Editable Source Area.

3.Leave the "Stack View" window visible while selecting Step or Continue and watch the Current Stack change.

Select "Show Parameters" to display the parameters passed to each procedure on the stack.

Clear "Auto Update" if you do not want the stack display to update each time the debugger gains control. This can speed up your debugging if you Step or Continue frequently. Select Update to force an update while you have "Auto Update" cleared.

By default, the stack display numbers the stack levels, with the top of the stack being level 1. Stack numbering can be turned off, or can be reversed so that the bottom of the stack is 1, using the "Options: Stack Settings…" dialog box. Select the Options… button to display this dialog box directly from the Stack View.


Chapter 7