Using SoftBench File Compare

If Something Goes Wrong

If Something Goes Wrong

Table 11-2





No file specified message

You must enter a file name in

appears when you select Compare.

the "Left File" or "Right


File" input box.



Could not open file:

The file name in the "Left

(filename) message appears

File" or "Right File" input box

when you select Compare.

does not exist or is not readable.



sdiff command failed to

Make sure your system has the

execute message appears when

sdiff command and that your

you select Compare.

path includes the directory in


which sdiff resides.



Could not write to file:

A merged file cannot be created,

(filename) message appears

probably because the directory

when you select Write.

that you specified has no write





No file specified message

You must enter an output file

appears when you select Write.

name in the "Merge File" input


box before choosing Write.



No choice was selected for

Select Left, Both, Right, or None for

one or more differences

all remaining differences found

message appears when you select

by SoftBench File Compare.


Choosing "Options: View


Unresolved Differences


Only" may facilitate this






Chapter 11