

B (Breakpoint) annotation, 161, 189, 190, 193 Backup

archives, 349

Behavior Settings (Options menu), 257, 266,


Block specifying, 177 traces, 204

bmsinit, 80, 120 Boldface font, 5

Break File Lock(File menu), 107 Break menu, 191, 192, 197

Activate All, 194 Clear All, 195 Set, 192

Set at ( ), 191

Set at Class ( ), 197

Set At Hex Address ( ), 211 Set at Instance ( ), 197 Set at Overloaded ( ), 197

Set at Procedure Entry ( ), 192 Set at Template ( ), 197 Show, 189, 193

Suspend All, 194 Breaking archive locks, 107 Breakpoints, 188, 189

assembly level, 211 changing, 193 clearing, 194 commands at, 192, 195 Cplusplus, 197 debugging with, 189 exception handling, 225 listing, 189

on threads, 193 setting, 190

setting from Static Analyzer, 290 setting from your editor, 131 setting group, 197

setting in annotation margin, 162 SQL, 319

threads, 221 viewing, 193

viewing and modifying, 197 Broadcast Message Server, 305 Broadcast Messages area, 307 Browser submenu

Find String, 75

Load Browser from File, 75

Print/Save Output, 75 Browsing and fixing errors, 74 Browsing archive servers, 95 Browsing archives, 95 Buffer

in XEmacs Editor, 122 Build

changing type, 56 dependencies, 38, 51, 55, 61 error browsing, 74 handling errors, 73 options, 70

order, 55 package, 63 preview, 72 project, 38, 70 remote, 75 selected target, 69 server, 75 starting, 44 subproject, 44, 55, 73 targets and projects, 70, 75 troubleshooting, 86

vs. compile, 73

Build (File menu in Debugger), 39 Build (Target menu), 69, 70 Build configuration, 22, 23, 38

customizing, 61, 62, 63 modifying, 52 selecting, 60

SQL, 315

Build control area, 44 Build model

changing, 56

external build, 39, 50, 52, 64 project build, 38, 50, 60

Build package, 24, 62

Build Project (File menu), 130 Build Settings (Options menu), 75 Builder, 32

Builder menu Browser, 74

Manage Build Configuration, 62, 71 Manage Package Information, 63 Use External Build Command, 72

Builder page, 46, 47 Building

for debugging, 159 from your editor, 130 with Static data, 254


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