Using SoftBench

Creating Files within a Project

Creating Files within a Project

New files that you create within SoftBench automatically become members of your project. Choosing "File: New" starts your configured editor with an untitled file. Alternatively, choose the "Editor" icon when you have no files selected. SoftBench vi Editor and SoftBench XEmacs's "File: Save" and "File: Save As…" menu commands automatically add the file into your project.

SoftBench also allows you to pre-define files before you create them. You can use this when you plan your project. Choose "Project: Add File(s) to Project". Select the "Choose Files Individually" toggle button and enter the name of the file in the text field. The path to the file must exist, but the file itself does not have to. You can later use your editor to open and edit this file.

Chapter 2