Using SoftBench CodeAdvisor

Performing the "Check Code" Operation

Terminating SoftBench CodeAdvisor

After Check Code has been pressed, the button changes to read Terminate. At any point you can cancel the Check Code operation by selecting the Terminate button, or you can allow the check to attempt to finish. If SoftBench CodeAdvisor for some reason cannot parse a file, SoftBench CodeAdvisor displays a message and SoftBench CodeAdvisor does not check this file. If the error resulted from a missing include file and/or a define, the check continues, even though some data is invalid. At any time, you may terminate the check, fix the problem and re-initiate another Check Code operation.

Filtering Rule Violations

Filtering gives you the ability to hide violations in the browser. Once you have examined the violations, you may decide that you don't want to display some of them. You may choose not to change the code that triggers certain violations. The suggested fix may violate a local programming convention, or it may not be possible to fix the problem at this time. You can filter out any violations that you wish to ignore. Filters allow you to ignore the same set of violations each time you code-check your program. You can filter on a single violation, a Rule, a File and a Directory basis.

To filter a specific instance of a rule violation:

1.Select a violation in the output browser.

2.Select the This button or choose "Filter Selected Item" from the "Browser Actions" popup menu.

A single instance of a violation is filtered out. The filter is based on the current file and line number. If you subsequently edit the file and change the line number, this filter will no longer filter the unwanted violation.

To filter on a rule name so that no violations of this type are displayed:

1.Select a violation containing the type of rule you want to filter out.

2.Select the Rule button. SoftBench CodeAdvisor filters out all instances of violations for that rule.

Sometimes you may not control the contents of every file in a project. In these cases, you can filter all violations from a specific file:

1.Select a violation generated from the file that you want to filter.

2.Select the File button.


Chapter 6