Using SoftBench Debugger

If Something Goes Wrong

Table 7-2





operation: invalid

This operation requires a valid integer

relative index: index.

offset argument. The

Must be a valid

UserOpEnvGotoBosRelative and

positive (or negative)



operations only accept positive


integers. Check the button definition.



Unable to open the

SoftBench Debugger cannot create the

button save file.

button definition file. Check to make


sure you have write permission in the


$HOME/.softbench directory.



Warning: operation

In certain unusual situations involving

performed in most

recursively-called procedures,

recent stack activation

SoftBench Debugger may switch from a

of procedure.

deeper invocation of a recursive


procedure to the most recent


invocation. This may result in a print


operation, for example, printing values


from a different invocation than you


expected. This message warns you that


this has happened so that you can


switch back to the earlier invocation if





Unable to open log

SoftBench Debugger cannot open the


log file you specified. Check that the


filename is a valid location, and that


you have write permission on the


directory or file.



The item name is not the

The "collapse" operation in the Show

first line of an

Watchpoints dialog box must be applied


to the first element of a collapsible


aggregate structure.

Select a line that


indicates the start of


an aggregate and try







Chapter 7