Using SoftBench Debugger

Correcting Errors in Your Program

Correcting Errors in Your Program

Developers frequently spend a lot of time in the debugger, finding and fixing defects. SoftBench Debugger provides several commands to help you when you find an error:

You can alter variable values (see “Specifying Variables” on page 178)

You can change the location of the PC within the current procedure (see SoftBench Online Help for details), skipping the problem code and continuing debugging.

You can edit the source code, fixing the problem, then rebuild and restart the debugging process.

Editing Source Code

SoftBench Debugger provides an editable source code area. Without ever leaving SoftBench Debugger you can fix the error and rebuild.

Edit the source file by selecting the Edit button to make the source code area editable. If you need to check the file out of Configuration Management, do so before making changes. Choose the "File: Configuration Management" submenu.

Save the changes and use the "Build" facility to rebuild the target by choosing "File: Build" from the SoftBench Debugger menu bar. If the file is not writable, you may need to check it out using the "File: Configuration Management" submenu.

SoftBench rebuilds the current debugged program. If SoftBench encounters any compile errors, it displays the offending source in the Debugger's Source File Area or your configured editor, depending on the setting of the "Options: Use External Editor for Compile Errors" toggle button. Any errors after the first error are displayed in your configured editor.

If your edits introduce compile errors, browse and fix the compile errors from the main SoftBench Builder output browser, then rebuild again from SoftBench Debugger.

When your build is successful, the new executable loads automatically in SoftBench Debugger, and you can continue to debug the program.

Chapter 7