Using SoftBench with SQL

Configuring SoftBench with SQL

Using SQL with External Build

If your Makefile was created with SoftBench version C.05.xx or earlier, you need to migrate your application to project build or use external build to build your application. With external build, you must maintain your Makefile manually.

To use your Makefile or build script, choose "Builder: Use External Build Command…". Complete the dialog box and select Build. All necessary commands for using SQL should be contained within the Makefile.

Updating RDBMS Versions

When you update your RDBMS version, the names and locations of the SQL libraries that need to be linked to your SQL application may change. Since SoftBench supports two build models, project build and external build, your RDBMS version update process depends on the build model you use.

Project Build

SoftBench provides packages for managing libraries


and include files logically as a group. SoftBench ships


with default packages for embedded SQL. If you update


to a new version, you need to update the definition of


the SQL package.


Build configurations use packages to produce targets. If


you use the default SQL packages initially in your


build configurations, then the update process requires


you to save the revised package under a new name.


(You cannot modify the packages shipped with


SoftBench.) Consequently, you need to update the build


configurations that include SQL packages as well.

External Build

Manually update each Makefile or build script that


uses SQL to point to the new SQL library names and



To update the version of SQL libraries linked to your application:

1.Install the new RDBMS version.

2.Set all normally required RDBMS environment variables. See your RDBMS documentation for specific details about environment variables used by your RDBMS.

Once you install the RDBMS and the runtime environment is ready, the

Chapter 13


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HP UX SoftBench Software manual Using SQL with External Build, Updating Rdbms Versions