You edit a copy of the original file in this temporary storage area, and the original file is not changed unless you save the edits.

Build An action appropriate for projects and targets. When you choose "Build" with a target file selected, SoftBench begins with the source files and transforms them as necessary to create the end result, the target.

With project build, SoftBench uses build dependency information and build configuration information to build the target. With external build, SoftBench uses the build command that you supply to build the target.

See also Compile.

Build Configuration A build configuration is a complete set of build instructions to produce a target of a particular type, such as a C++C++ executable, a C shared library, or an Oracle C executable. A build configuration includes libraries, include directories, compiler and compiler options, defines, etc.

SoftBench ships with a basic set of build configurations. Additionally, users can create their own build configurations to support third party or in-house libraries. Each target of a project is associated with a build configuration, but build configurations can be used by many targets, across many projects. You can create and change build configurations in two ways:

To create new build configurations or make changes that can affect many targets, choose "Builder: Manage Build Configurations…", select the build configuration that you want, and make the changes.

To make changes that affect only one target, select the target, then choose "Target: Modify Properties…". In the "Modify Target

Properties" dialog box, select Customize Build Configuration… . Changes made through the "Customize Build Configuration" dialog box are unnamed and can be used only by the target associated with the customization.

For example, if most of your C executables are built in a certain way, but one needs a special library, customizing the build configuration may be more efficient than creating another named build configuration for just one C executable. However, once you customize a build configuration, changes to the underlying build configuration have no impact on the