• On boats wi th stepped hulls, it may be possible t o mount the transducer
onth e step. Do not mount the transducer on the tran som behind a step
to avoid popping the transducer out of the water at hi gher speeds; the
transducer must remain in the water for the control h ead to maintain
thesonar signal (see the illustration Stepped Hull).
• If the transom is behindthe propeller(s),it may be impossibleto find an area
clear fromturbulence, and a different mountingtechnique or transducer
typeshould be considered,such as an Inside theHull Transducer.
• If you plan to traileryour boat, do not mount the transducertoo close to
trailerbunks or rollersto avoid moving or damagingthe transducer during
loadingand unloadingof the boat.
• If high speed operationis critical,you may want to considerusing an In-Hull
transducerinsteadof this TransomMount transducer.
NOTE: The hydrodynamicshape of your
transducerallows it to point straight down
withoutdeadrise adjustment.
NOTE:If you cannot find a transom mount location that will work for your high-
speed application, find an In-Hull Transducer by contacting our Customer
Resource Center at either 1-800-633-1468 or by visiting our Web site at
Finda turbulence-free location at least 15” from the propeller(s) and not in
linewith trailer bunks or rollers.
11 TransomMount Transducer Installation