7. Locking Down the Transducer(Optional)
NOTE:You have the option to lock down the Two Piece Kick Up bracket if you do
notwant the transducer to kick up. Pleasebe aware, however, that the transducer
canbe damaged if it is locked down and it strikes debris in the water.
1. To lock down the transducer, trace the
positionof the mounting bracket. Force the
pivotto the Up position to gainaccess to the
mountingscrews, then re-alignthe mounting
bracket againstthe transom of the boat to
match the traced silhouette. Check the
bracketposition with the levelagain to make
sure it is still level, thenmark the fourth
mountinghole using a pencil or marker (see
theillustration Using the MountingBracket
toMark the Initial DrillHoles). Unscrewand
remove the mounting screws and the
transducerassemblyand set aside.
2. Drillthe fourth mounting hole, usinga 9/64"
drillbit. Use a marine grade siliconesealantto
fillall four drilledmounting holes, especiallyif
theholes penetratethe transom wall.
3. Re-positionthe transducer assembly against
thetransom of the boat,then hand install the
firstthree screws (two on the outsideedges
andone in the 3rd mountinghole). Make sure
that the transducer location and the pivot
anglehave not changed,then fully tighten all
three mounting screws(see the illustration
Fully TightenAll Three Mounting Screws).
Hand-tightenonly!Snapthe pivotback down.
4. Install#8 x 1" woodscrew into the 4th holeto
lock downthe pivot arm (see the illustration
Lockingthe Pivot Arm).Hand-tighten only!
Lockingthe Pivot Arm
Usingthe MountingBracket
toMark the InitialDrill Holes
TransomMount Transducer Installation