Shallow Alarm
TheShallow Alarmwill sound when themeasured depth is lessthan the setting.
1. Pressthe MENUkey until the ShallowAlarm icon is displayedand flashing
onthe screen.
2. Pressthe UP or DOWN arrowkey to change the setting.
(Off,1 - 20 feet, .1 - 6 meters,or .1 - 3.2 fathoms;Default = Off)
NOTE:The maximum Shallow Alarm setting cannot meet or exceed the current
DeepAlarm setting (see the Deep Alarm section).
3. Afteryourselection is made,wait 5 seconds for theunit to return to normal
operation.Yoursettings aresaved automatically,and the Shallowicon will
bevisible on the display.
4. Alarm:If the depth of the water is lessthan the saved setting,the alarm
willsound and the alarmicon will flash on the screen.
Mute: Pressany key to mutethe alarm.
Adjust:Press the MENU keyand follow the instructionsin step 2 to adjust
thealarm setting.
33 Operations