No Bottom Reading on the Display
Ifthere is nobottom reading visibleon the display,there area number of possible
causesfor this condition,including:
• if the loss of bottominformation occurs only at highboat speeds, then a
transduceradjustmentmay be needed (refer to theTransducer Installation
• check the transducercable connection on the back ofthe HDR 650 and
makesure that the cableto the transducer hasnot been cut or pinched,as
evena small abrasionin the cable can affectperformance significantly.
Correct any knownproblems, including adjusting the transducer, or actually
replacingthe transducercable if necessary.
No Continuous Depth Display in VeryShallow Water
Losing continuousdepth when the boat is in very shallow wateris normal,
becausethe automatic range controlcannot lock onto the bottomin depths of
onefoot or less.
Screen Fades, Images arenot Sharp
Ifthe screen begins to fade,and images are not as sharp as normal,check the
inputvoltage. TheHDR 650 will not operateon input voltages below10 VDC.
Bottom Reading Disappears During a Hard Turn
Losingthe bottom readingtemporarily whenthe boat is executinga hard turn is
normal, as the transduceremerges from the water duringsuch a turn; this
conditionshould correctitself once theturn is completed.