9. Markthe correct position onthe transom by tracing the silhouetteof the
transducermountingbracket with a pencilor marker.
10. Tightenthe pivot bolt, usingthe pivot screw andnut to lock the assembly.
Hand tighten only!
11. Snap openthe assembly and hand-tightenthe twomounting screws,then
snapthe assembly closed.
NOTE:You will drill the third mounting hole and finalize the installation after you
routethe cable and test and finish the installation in the following procedures.
4. Routing the Cable
Thetransducer cable has a lowprofile connector,which must be routed to the
pointwhere the control head is mounted.There are several waysto route the
transducer cableto the area where the control head is installed.The most
commonprocedureroutes the cable throughthe transom, into theboat.
NOTE:Your boat may have a pre-existing wiring channel or conduit that you can
usefor the transducer cable.
1. Unplugthe other end of the transducer cable from the control head (if it
is already connected). Make sure that the cable is long enough to
accommodatethe planned route by running the cable over the transom.
Adjustingthe Transducer
withboat hull
Levelingthe Mounting
TransomMount Transducer Installation