How Sonar Works
Sonartechnologyis based on sound waves.The HDR 650 Digital DepthSounder
uses sonar to determinedepth directly below the transducer. Your HDR650
DigitalDepth Sounderconsists of two components:the HDR 650 sonar unitand
thetransducer. The sonarunit contains the transmitterand receiver,as well as
the user controlsand display. The transduceris mounted beneath the water
surface and convertselectrical energy from the transmitterinto mechanical
pulsesor sound waves. Thetransducer also receivesthe reflected soundwaves
andconverts them backinto electrical signalsfor display on thesonar unit.
Sonaris very fast. A soundwave can travelfrom the surface to a depthof 240 ft
(70m) and back again in less than1/4 of a second. It is unlikely thatyour boat
can"outrun" this sonarsignal.
1HowSonar Works