4. PermanentlyMounting the Transducer
NOTE: Once permanently mounted, you will not be able to make further
adjustmentsto the transducer.
1. Makesurethe position of thetransducer is
2. Removethewater from insidethe hull and
thoroughly dry themounting surface. If
thesurface is excessivelyrough, it maybe
necessaryto sand the area to provide a
smoothmounting surface.
3. Mix an ample quantityof two-part slow
cure epoxyslowly and thoroughly. Avoid
trappingair bubbles.
4. Coat the faceof the transducer and the
inside of the hull with epoxy(see the
illustrationCoating the Transducerwith
5. Press the transducer into place with a
slight twisting motion to purge any
trappedair from underneath,keeping the
pointed end of the transducer body
pointedforward,towardsthe bow (see the
illustrationPressing the TransducerInto
NOTE: Proper operation req uires the
pointed end of the transducer body to face
towardsthe bow.
6. Weightthetransducer so thatit will not move while theepoxy is curing.
NOTE:When the epoxy cures, no water is necessary inside the hull.
Pressingthe Transducer Into Place
Coatingthe Transducer with Epoxy
Insidethe Hull Transducer Installation