6. Adjustthe initialangle of the transducerfrom back to front byrotating the
transduceruntilthe side seamon the transducer isalmost parallelwith the
bottom of the boat, one clickat a time in either direction (see the
illustrationAdjustingthe Initial TransducerAngle).
7. Adjustthetransducerassemblyvertically,untiltheseamon the leadingedge
ofthe transducer(the edge closestto the transomof the boat) islevel and
justslightly below thehull (see the illustrationAdjustingthe Transducer
NOTE:The transducerhas a natural downwardslant of 4-5 degreesfrom leading
edge(closest to the boattransom) to trailing edge (farthestaway from the boat).
Lookingat the back of the transducer, the seam shouldbe slightly below the
bottomof the hull.
8. Continueto adjust until the bracket is also levelfrom port to starboard
(horizontallylevelas you look at the transducerfrom behind the boat(see
theillustrationLeveling the MountingAssembly Horizontally).
Adjustingthe Initial Transducer Angle
Oneclick too low
alignedwithboat bottom)
Oneclick too high
17 TransomMount Transducer Installation